• We Manufacture and provide Laser Machine for Micromachining, Cutting, Drilling, Engraving, Marking and Scribing, etc.. Applications for processing various industrial, semiconductor and Ultra Hard material according to customer demand and budget from lower to high end.
  • We sell best quality laser machine, worldwide. We undertake complete turnkey projects in integration of laser system for various application as per requirement of customers.
  • We provide services to upgrade your existing old laser system with high quality Diode pumped Q-Switch system as well as upgrade in Application too.
  • We provide services to evaluate your current laser performance and guide you to optimize it.
  • We also provide job shop services for diamond cutting as well as various industrial micromachining applications on Laser Water MicroJet (Synova SA), DPSS-IR and Green Laser.
  • We do provide service Contract i.e. A.M.C (Annual Maintenance Contract) for Laser machine System.